Thursday, May 30, 2013

Decibel Magazine Tour, 5.17.2013, Oakland Metro

The Decibel Magazine Tour, sponsored by such names as Nuclear Blast and Metal Blade Records, was AMAZEBALLS. 

Although we missed the beginning of the opening band, Early Graves' set, we managed to get a good view of their amazing performance and to get some impressive shots. 

The second band, Cretin, put on a wonderful show as well, featuring a rare pair of death-metal performing front-women. 

Immolation was great, with, as Decibel Magazine puts it, "some of the darkest and most adventurous death metal the scene has ever heard." 

But the true chaos began with Napalm Death. Rory, our esteemed photographer, was slammed right up against the stage, where she stayed for the duration of the evening. 

The crowd were certainly an excitable bunch, and it became even more violent when Cannibal Corpse took to the stage. It was such a rush, it felt a bit like being a photojournalist in the trenches. Rory kept getting pushed around from the back and the sides (some tiny young woman with long hair was headbanging next to her, hair flying everywhere) so getting the pictures was difficult. In our humble opinions, this was a not-to-be-missed show!

see the entire photo album!